
Price Extensions

PRICE EXTENSIONS We start our measurement from the trade close. Whatever the trade did between its Open fill and Close fill is irrelevant to the extension measurement. The extension MAE will be calculated as movement against the trade direction, and the MFE in favor of the trade direction until they have grown [x] ATRs apart.

SKU The SKU is a unique identifier indicating properties of the trade. It consists of your chart number starting with 200, a period separator, the chart instrument, a period separator, and your email address.

Example: 200.NQ.Info@TREMPER.COM You can use groups or a running number: 200, 201, 202, 203, and so on. I use 200 for my discretionary trades: 200.NQ…., 200.ES…., 200.GC…., and so on. Since those are hard to quantify because as much as one might try to “trade like a robot”, we all know emotions play a part and there for one trade might not have the same rules as the second trade.

Regardless if you use chart numbers using a group or continuous numbers, each chart number must be unique to its trade setting and stop management. If you collect a data set of trades using and then change a trade setting even slightly, you must create a new chart number ( This way you are able to look at the two data sets and see how they are performing.

STRATEGY: If trades come from an automated strategy, the indicator can detect them no matter what chart they are on, and use the actual bars the strategy is running on, on any instrument. (Technically that is actually very cool.)

MANUAL: If the trades are manual, the indicator will detect them if they are on the same instrument as the chart the indicator is running on. It will NOT be able to detect the actual bars, since executions don’t know where they came from. Thus, the Price Extensions indicator will use its own chart bars to measure ATR and the Extensions data.

TARGET ACCOUNT: You have to have taken the trade on the Account you’ve set the Price Extensions indicator to monitor. A trade has to finish and have enough bars created to successfully finish its MAE/MFE calculation. Only at that time will a folder be created and a file written.

EXAMINE STRATEGIES: I note that on all your charts you have the “Examine Strategies” checked. I advise that you should only have that checked on ONE chart only, as just one instance of this indicator examining strategies will capture all strategies and save them to file. If you have multiple indicators trying to do strategies, they may get in each other’s way trying to write the same file pretty much at the same time unless you’ve set the Labels (SKU) to be different for each chart.

The filenames are based on the Label you’ve given the indicator. If the chart is labelled with a SKU identifier will have a filename showing that too. If Examine Strategies is enabled on each chart, it captures the strategy trade from each chart. In fact, the trades will show in every file because Examine Strategies is enabled on every chart.


     • Daily Appending File – anything that is to be saved will add onto any existing file of the same name (and date).

     • Daily Overwritten File – each time you refresh a chart or restart the strategy, at the next save it will overwrite (that is delete any file with the same name) and write it fresh. Thus, you will only ever see the results obtained from this particular save.

     • New File Each Restart - you’ll get multiple files each day, to match each chart refresh or strategy restart you’ve done. Each file will contain the data saved from the duration it was active.

“LABEL” Column:

     • Strategy: The Label you’ve assigned to an automated strategy you are trading.

     • Manual: The “Manual_SKU” input parameter of the indicator for manual trades (which includes trades sent to an AtmStrategy)

INFO: The “Trade#” are consider to be largely irrelevant and I suggest you ignore them. Trades do not have a number like that attached to them. The number only represents an index in a collection of trades that have been gotten from somewhere. For example, if you open a Strategy Performance window and choose to see Historical and Realtime trades, all the trades will start from 1 and go up to whatever – let’s say 67 trades in total. Then if you opened a Strategy Performance window and chose to see only the real-time trades, all the trades will start from 1 (just the same) and go up to 13 (there were 13 real-time trades and 54 historical trades in this example). So, you can see the Trade# does not refer to the trade in any meaningful way – it just says “I’ve got a list of trades, and in my list is numbered like this.” It is the temporary list that is numbered, not the trades themselves.

Price Extensions Video

Price Extensions v1.2.0 DOWNLOAD Link

This is still in Beta!   

How To's:

     3rd Party Licensing  This 'Unique Machine ID' is required after trial period for continued use. Contact Form

     How to install NinjaTrader Add-ons

     How to remove NinjaTrader Add-ons